Discover the fascinating region surrounding Mauthausen, Upper Austria – a place where history meets breathtaking landscapes. Experience charming villages, idyllic hiking trails, and culinary delights. Immerse yourself in the past with the impressive Mauthausen Memorial and let yourself be enchanted by the beauty of this region.

At B3, you will experience...
Danube Cycle Path

When cycling along the Danube Cycle Path, you are free. You alone determine the pace, the route, and the destination. And everything in between. How beautiful it is when you even have company: from the mossy-fresh scent of the river you move alongside, to its gentle rustle and soft splashing.

From impressive landmarks that greet you from afar and invite you to take a break. From unforgettable encounters with people who live and work in this region, giving the Danube a face, a voice. And of course, from the nature that reveals itself along the cycle path and constantly changes. No section is like the next. Only the river, a constantly driving force, remains by our side.

At B3, you will experience...

You can get more information about the nearby marina at the reception.

At B3, you will experience...
Concentration Camp Memorial Site

The former Mauthausen concentration camp was transformed into a memorial site just a few years after the end of the war, embodying the commemorative culture of the Republic of Austria as well as victim nations. However, the locations of the former satellite camps and the Gusen subcamp were long suppressed from official memory. While the remnants of the satellite camps were removed everywhere, survivors of the camps and relatives of those who perished countered the process of suppression by erecting memorials. At their initiative, public memorial sites were established in Ebensee, Gusen, and Melk.

At B3, you will experience...
Clam Castle

An impressive castle with a rich history and regular events such as concerts and festivals.

At B3, you will experience...
Waldhausen Abbey

A monastery with a rich cultural history and a picturesque garden.

At B3, you will experience...
Danube Power Plant Abwinden-Asten

A modern power plant on the Danube, offering interesting insights into energy generation.

At B3, you will experience...

Discoveries from the Stone Age testify to the fact that the area of Mauthausen has been an ancient settlement area. The significance of the location increased over the centuries, as two trade routes intersected here: from west to east, the Danube shipping route ran along the old Roman Empire border, and from the south, the Salt and Iron Road extended, leading north towards Bohemia and Moravia via the Danube ford.

At B3, you will experience...
The Old Town of Freistadt

The well-preserved medieval old town of Freistadt invites you to a leisurely stroll and houses historical buildings, squares, and streets.

At B3, you will experience...

The oldest city in Austria, with a well-preserved old town, the Ennsegg Castle, and the Lauriacum Museum, which presents the Roman history of the region.

At B3, you will experience...
Danube Floodplains National Park

Ein Naturparadies entlang der Donau mitverschiedenen Wander- und Radwegen. Der Nationalpark bietet eineFülle von Pflanzen- und Tierleben.

At B3, you will experience...
Voestalpine Stahlwerk

Ein interaktives Erlebnismuseum rund um das Thema Stahl und Industrie. Hier kann gegen Eintritt viel über die Geschichte und die Produktion von Stahl erfahren werden.

At B3, you will experience...
Ars Electronica Center

Obwohl nicht direkt im Bezirk Linz Land, ist das Ars Electronica Center in Linz einen Besuch wert, insbesondere für Technik- und Kunstinteressierte. Der Eintritt ist kostenpflichtig.